Checkers League
This event will be open to members and guests with no guest limit. If you don't have a teammate you can find one on the first night or we'll help you match up with someone.
The target size is approximately 19"x19"
Teams will consist of two players.
We will meet one night per week from 6:30PM until 8:30 PM for Four weeks during the month. Each week we will play the predetermined number of games.
Firearms are restricted to 22LR only. You may use a rifle or handgun. Scopes will be permitted and each team will provide their own ammunition.
Targets will be placed at 25 yds. Two teams will shoot at the same target. Each player will shoot six shots trying to hit their team’s checkers. Team A will shoot at the red checkers and team B will shoot at the black.
Shots will be taken unsupported from a standing position. Your body may not touch the bench in any way and no use of slings. One point will be scored for each square hit and three points for each checker plus three bonus points for hitting all of your team’s squares. If the other team hits your square or checker your team may score the points. Shots that split the line and hit both squares will be a shared point for each team
The team with the most points wins that game. Tally the points for the four week total.
After four weeks and all of the games have been played the team with the highest total score shall be the winner. In the event of a tie a sudden death shoot out shall be used.
In the sudden death shoot out each player from each team shall alternate shooting until one team hits a checker and is unmatched by the other team.
Entry fee $25.00 per player
Prize for the winning team: $100.00
All firearms must use an empty chamber indicator (ECI or flag) going from vehicle to range unless in a case. Flags must be used on all firearms while in range area. Flags will be handed out at registration if needed.
Per range rule everyone must have some sort of hat (make sure all your guests know this rule)
Everyone must have ear and eye protection while Contestants are at firing line.
All firearms must remain stowed on rack or in a case between rounds. No handling of firearms between rounds without the assistance of a Range Officer.
All firearms must be in a case or have flag in receiver while going to and from the firing line.
When called to firing line Contestants will place firearms on the bench with receivers open, magazine removed and flag installed.
Contestants will only load when commanded by the Range Officer.
In case of a misfire or a squib load, keep muzzle pointed down range at backstop and raise your trigger hand. A Range Officer will come and assist you. The Range Officer will clear the firearm and allow the contestant to get a replacement cartridge.
After shot's are taken receivers are to be opened, magazine removed, flag installed, gun laid on bench and step back.
The Range Officer will call clear when all Contestants are done. Contestants will put away their firearm and then pick up their brass.