Piscataqua Fish and Game Club is dedicated to the preservation of outdoor pursuits and is committed to providing a friendly, family oriented surrounding, where like minded people can enjoy their sport in a safe, pleasant environment.
During the year the club sponsors events such as The Fishing Day for Special Needs Children, a Hunter Safety Course in which our own members are certified instructors from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Dept. and Family days for members and their friends.
Monthly Meetings
The Piscataqua Fish and Game Club holds regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. We also hold an annual meeting on the third Tuesday of April every year.
These meetings are open to all present, past and prospective members and the general public.
Check out the Events page for the next meeting !
We do a number of shooting events for club members and their guests. These include :
Ham shoots
Turkey shoots
Poker shoots
Checkers Leagues
Pick-up Baseball and more.
Walter Burns Memorial Fishing Day for Special Children
The Piscataqua Fish and Game Club assists The Fishing Day Committee in the event/
Special thanks to all the volunteers and donors from, Armand & the entire committee for being there for the Kids.
By far it is a day that you will always remember as a volunteer helping those children enjoy a day like they have never had before.