Piscataqua Fish and Game Club, Inc.



Chair: John Straw

It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to prepare an annual budget of the receipts and expenditures of the Club for the approval by the membership. The chairperson of each committee shall submit to the Finance Committee within 45 days of appointment a budget for the term of his/her committee.

All special projects not included in the budget shall be referred to the Finance Committee to be certain that funds will be available. If funds are not available the committee chairperson will submit plans whereby funds can be obtained or raised for the cost of the project.


Chair: Jim Tilton

The Membership Committee shall formulate plans to encourage additional membership and to maintain attendance of present membership.

All applications for membership which may be presented to the club at or before a regular meeting shall be reported on by the membership committee prior to being voted on by the membership that is present at the meeting.


Chair: Wayne Snow

The Property Committee shall be responsible for the care and preservation of all real and personal property of the Club, which shall be kept in good repair at all times. The Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors or the Club such improvements and replacements as may be required.


Chair: Jon Ellis

The Range Committee shall encourage interest in all range activities and shall arrange programs to that end. The committee shall be responsible for all properties necessary to these activities.


Chair: Bridget Pollock

The Rental Committee shall be responsible for all rentals of the club properties. To insure that the proper applications are submitted the Rental Committee and that the proper fees and all applications are turned over to the presiding officer, who, after presenting applications to the club, will submit the same to the Treasurer for filing. The adult members of the Rental Committee shall assure a responsible person is available to make certain the club property is in proper condition for rental and the club key is available. Also, the club property is properly cleaned and undamaged after each rental, and condition of the club is property is filed with pertinent application.


Chair: Matthew Sturtevant

The Technology Committee shall be responsible for maintaining club assets such as the website, computer hardware and software, bulletin board (forum), networking equipment, and anything that is produced with a computer (name tags, signage, press releases, communications with external organizations, etc.).



The Auditing Committee shall audit the books of the treasurer prior to the annual meeting.

Risk Managment

Chair: Greg Mahanna

Risk Management Committee is a liaison to insurance companies. The committee is responsible for defining and maintaining insurance policies of the club.

© Piscataqua Fish & Game Club, Inc.
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software