Piscataqua Fish and Game Club, Inc.

Walter Burns Memorial Fishing Day for Special Chhildren

  • 05/22/2020
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Sanderson"s Pond Post Rd. Greenland, NH

We welcome all to help us make this years event larger than last. For 40+ years the Club has hosted the Annual Walter Burns Memorial Fishing Day for Special Needs Children.

Everything is provided except the children. In 2019 there were more than 140+ children & 100+ 

volunteers to make this a very special event for the children.

This is a self funded event funded by donations of services, gift cards, raffles & $$ Money to help pay for the expenses.We appreciate any and all donations which help make this a very special day for the children as they actually get a chance to socialize with children from other schools and enjoy a day out of the classroom with many fishing for the first time ever.

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